In the name of God Amen the twentie daye of Januarye Anno Dni 1595 And in the yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god, Of England France and Ireland Queene Defendo’ of the faith viz the eighte and Thirtye, I John Staple of Crofton in the Parrishe of Orpington in the Countye of Kente yoman beinge of good and perfecte remembrance, Thankes be to Almightie god, Doe make and ordeyne this my Last will and Testamente in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie, ffirst and princypallie I comitt my Soule and Body unto my Lorde and onelie Savyo’ Jhesus Christe in whose merritte death and Bloud Sheddinge I trust and faithfullye doe beleeve onelie to be Saved, And my Bodye to be buryed with in the Parrishe Church of Orpington aforesaide Item I give and bequeathe unto John Knight, my kinsman Twelve powndes of money, Two eewes or oxen of foure yeares old or thereabouts two kyne, one ffetherbedd, one Bolster a paire of Blanketts two paire of sheetes and a coverlett Item I give and bequeathe unto John Richebell the younger one cowe Bullocke of two yeares old The resydue of all my goodes household stuffe Chattell Cattells readye money plate Jewells moveables and ymoveables whatsoever my debts beinge paid and my funerall expences honestlie discharged, I will and bequeathe them all unto Agnes my welbeloved wife whome I make and ordeyne my sole executrixe of this my Last will and Testamente. In witnes hereof I have sette myhande and seale the daye and yeare firste above wrytten in the presence of Humfrey Kidson wryter hereof and George Goldwell provyded alwaies That yf Agnes my foresaide wiefe shall departe this life before me, or els after me intestate Then my very mynde and will is That my two Sonnes Robert Staple and John Staple shall have all my foresaid goodes household stuffe Chattells Cattells ready money plate Jewells moveables and immoveables whatsoever discharginge the foresaide debts Legacies and funeralls to them and to their heires forever whomealso in *** cast as aforesaide I make and ordeyne my joynte Executors in my said wyves place In witnes whereof I have Sett my marke in their pr’ce the six and twentieth of June 1596 in the pr’ce of George Smith Parsone of Chelsfeild Henry Kirkley