A true and perfect
Inventary of all and Singular the goods Chattells rights and Creditts of John Gilpin late of the parish of Orpington in the County of Kent gent. deceased taken and apprized the sixth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God accordinge to the Computation of the Church of England one thousand six hundred sixty and two By Robert Kinge gent. and John Miller yeoman and made as ffolloweth (viz)
Imprimis In ready money and wearing apparell
In the hall
Item Two Tables, one fforme, sixe Chaires two Joyned Stooles, one Jacke, one presse Cubbord, two burdinge peeces, one Musquitt Sword and bandoleere one paire of Cobbirons, two Bibles with some other smale things
In the Parlour
Item one Bedsteed, one ffether Bedd, two blanketts, one Coverled and Curtaynes and vallence with a boulster and two Pillowes
Item one little round Table, one Court Cubboard Sixe Joyned Stoooles, two Lether Chaires, one warming Pann, one paire of Andirons
In the Buttery
Item Beere vessells with a stander and bottells
In the Milkhouse
Item Two dozen of Trayes, and Keelers, ffor the cheeses. Two Crocks of Butter, one powderinge Tubb with other Smale Lumber
In the Bakehouse
Item one cheese Press two charmes one Kneeding trough, one Buntinge Huch one Bacon trough, three beere barrells with other odd Lumber
In the Malthouse
Item one Cesterne, Two Brakes Six drinke Tubbs two Cowles with other Lumber
In the Millhouse
Item one oatmeale Mill and one Malt Mill and Materialls belonginge to them
In the Kitchin
Item one ffurnace
Item Peawter dyshes and other peawter
Item Brass Potts Kettles and other Brasse
Item Spitts an other Iron Implements of howsehold stuffe
In the Chamber over the hall
Item one high bedsteed one trundle bedsteed one ffether bedd one fflocke bedd one ffether bulster and fflock boulster Two Pillowes ffoure blancketts, one Rugg Curtaynes and vallence with Matts and other things thereto belonginge
Item one Presse Cubboard and one Joyned table one round table and green Carpett, one Tapestry Coverled
Item ffoure truncks and Two Whests three Little boxes six stooles Little and greate, one bible, an old Chare ffoure Cushions
Item one payre of Andirons and ffive shovell, one payre of tongues
Item theirty payre ofSheetes Twelve table Cloathes Six dozen of Napkins Twelve payre Pillow beares, Two dozen of Towells and all other houwsehold Linnen
Item in plate
In the further Chamber over the parlour
Item one bedsteed, old vallence one ffether bedd one ffether bolster Two Pillowes, Two blanketts and one Coverled
Item wooll with an old truncke and other Lumber
In the outer Chamber over the parlour
Item one high bedsteed and Lowe bedsteed one ffether bedd, one fflocke bedd one ffether boulster one fflocke boulster ffive blanketts Two old Coverleds
Item Two old Chests
Item one Iron bound trunke six sacks